Ingredients: For 1,5 litres
- 1,5 litres of warm water
- 5-6 big beetroots
- 1 head of garlic
- 4 bay leaves (optional)
- 10 allspice balls (optional)
- 1 tbsp. of himalayan salt
1. Wash and peel the beetroots and chop them into medium squares.
2. Peel the garlic cloves and crush them using a knife (do not chop them).
3. Put everything into a large pot of your choice and add bay leaves and allspice balls (they make the kvass flavour a lot richer).
4. Add himalayan salt into a warm water and mix until it dissolves.
5. Pour the mixture into the large pot and mix everything together.
If you do it with a different amount make sure the beetroots cover 1/3 of your container and add as much warm water to cover them up.
6. Leave it in the room temperature or by the radiator to ferment for few days and stir everyday (with a wooden/plastic spoon).
After 4 days the kvass should be ready.
Pour out the kvass into the glass jars and store them in the fridge. If it is too strong try to water it down a little.
After you pour out the kvass pour 1,5 litres of warm water again to make another kvass. The taste will be exactly the same but a bit ligher.
You can add some spices like ground ginger or turmeric.
If you see some white/grey spots on the top, just mix the kvass more often.
- 4-5 small peppers (red or orange)
- 1/2 cup of quinoa (you can change it to rice or couscous)
- 300g of mushrooms
- 1 onion
- 1 egg
- 2 garlic cloves
- Coconut oil or butter for frying
- 1 tsp. of Italian seasoning/herbes the provences (oregano, thyme, basil)
- Himalayan salt to taste
1. Cook 1/2 cup of quinoa in 3/4 cup of water for around 20-25 min.
2. In the meantime, fry the mushrooms and onion using a little bit of coconut oil or butter.
3. Turn the heat off and add cooked quinoa, garlic, seasoning and himalayan salt to taste.
4. Mix everything together and leave it for few minutes until it cools down.
5. Add an egg and mix it again.
Make sure the stuffing cools down before you add egg, as it may get harden.
6. Cut the top of the peppers or cut out the green part with seeds (as I did - see the pictures below).
7. Fill the peppers with the stuffing. Put back the peppers' top if you did it the first way.
8. Place it in the over for around 40 min. at 170-180 C.
Ingredients (2 - 3 servings):
- 2 cups (400ml) of milk (rice milk, soya milk, coconut milk, almond milk)
- 2 - 3 tbsp. of potato starch
- 1-2 tbsp. of sweetener (honey, xylitol, stevia, maple syrup)
- Vanilla (fresh vanilla bean, dry vanilla, vanilla extract)
- Cocoa/carob (optional)
- Rasberries or other fruit for decoration
1. Pour 1½ cup (300ml) of milk into a saucepan and bring it into a boil.
2. In the meantime, add the rest of the ingredients, except rasberries or other fruit of your choice, into a seperate cup and mix them well.
3. When the milk is boiling add the mixture and stir it for few seconds.
4. Turn the heat off, still stirring.
* You can add some natural coloring to change the colour (beetroot powder, spirulina powder etc.). You can add beetroot juice or other fruit juices, but make sure you add less milk into the saucepan.
* Decorate with fresh or frozen fruit or fruit purée.